Friday, February 26, 2010

Finished Digital Photo

Soo, this is my final product for the digital photo project... i don't really like how it turned out. :/ But I guess it looks pretty close to what I imagined. I just wish I knew how to use photoshop like a pro! x] Hopefully the next project will turn out a little better. 

Even though I don't particularly think this photo is all that great, I put a lot of work into it and I hope you at least like the idea. Someday I hope I can convey my thoughts a little better. :D

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Teaser #3

Hi everybody. :] This is my last teaser photo to post before the finished product is shown. :D I hope the clock will give you some ideas about what it could be. If you still don't know, come back tomorrow to check out the finished product. ^^

Thanks for following and being patient! I hope I can pull this picture off. :0

Monday, February 22, 2010

Teaser #2

This is my second teaser photo for the digital image project. 8] I'm really looking forward to see how my picture as a whole will look. Can you tell what I'm doing yet? :] 

I think this brick wall looks pretty interesting for something you see everyday. I distorted the wall to where it looks a bit like I took it with a fisheye lens. :D I added a vignette, and I plan to make this much darker when I add my other photos. It might be difficult to actually make what I planned but I really hope I can do this, and I hope it turns out awesome. :]

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Digital Photo

Soooooooo this is my teaser for the digitally constructed image. :] Doesn't it look like she's falling? :D I'm pretty excited to do this project because I think I have a really cool idea in mind. Want to see the finished product? Come back Friday February 26th. :] 

I had a lot of fun with this picture. I had to go through some crazy faces and poses to find a good one, but Jascilyn was a great model. :D It was cold and she was barefoot on prickly grass so THANK YOU JASCILYN. x]

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So, the past weekend has been pretty fun. :] My power went out and I went to stay with my dad for the weekend. My 5 year old cousin Allison was visiting with my aunt and uncle, so I got to spend some time with her, and she is absolutely adorable! She drew me some pictures of animals, and tried to teach me how to make a snow angel, haha. On Friday, we woke up a little early to go play in the snow, so I took the opportunity to document it. These pictures aren't really "artsy", but I still like them. :D

This picture was taken on Friday, when the snow was still nice and high. Doesn't my dog look majestic? Haha. It was really hard to get a picture of hers standing still, but I got one when she was distracted. :] I wish I could have done some artistic photos with the snow, but with my power out, and a bunch happening, I couldn't find the time to grab someone and do it.  I missed an opportunity for good pictures, but I'm pretty satisfied with what I got. :]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So this weekend I went to ATPI, and I entered the digital editing contest. At first I was freaking out because I kept pressing the sides of the mouse and it would show all the windows and take me out of photoshop. So for an hour I kept doing that and I was about to just yell at the screen, but then everyone would think I was crazy. Eventually, I figured out what I was doing wrong, and I hurried making my image.

 I wasn't as good at photoshop as I thought, so I couldn't do anything very fancy. I put the hammer and chalk outline pictures on top of each other, and tinted them a bit red so they would match a little more. I then blurred the line that separated them, and added a vignette. I then cut out a picture of money and made it larger on my canvas, and multiplied it on top. I really wanted to do a photo word type of thing with the text, but I was running out of time, and I didn't have time to experiment with it. So I typed out a CORNY title and embossed it, and added an outer glow to help it stand out from the picture. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to win anything (especially best of show!), but I was super excited and happy when they called my name. :D

Friday, February 5, 2010

Self Portraits...

So, I think self portraits are my worst subject... I absolutely hate taking them. >< I don't know what it is... maybe I feel embarrassed when I take them, because it just seems weird to me. Maybe it's the fact that I can't completely control what the camera is capturing. I feel more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it! So currently I have no self portrait pictures that I have taken. This weekend I will try to take some to break a little from my shell.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This photo... I'm not sure what to say about it... We were supposed to do a silhouette picture for our project, and I wanted to do something a little different. I didn't want to do the typical "person against sky" picture, so I tried to be a little different. To be honest, this was the last picture I took and it was last minute. I was visiting my dad one night and he went out to smoke a cigarette so I decided to follow him and maybe produce a good picture. This isn't one of my favorites, but I think it's decent for last minute.

Monday, February 1, 2010

White on White

A few days ago we did a project called white on white. I was really excited to do this project, because last year Taylor Brown had made a really cool photo with the project, and I was eager to produce something cool as well. :D I really like this photo because it tells a story, and although I didn't know what the story was exactly, I left it up to the viewer's imagination. 

I added some red, because plain white seemed a little boring to me, but I didn't add too much so it wouldn't take away from the subject which was white on white. I added a vignette to draw attention to the middle a little more, and overall I produced a photo that I really like and one I hope others like too.


Hi everybody! :] I'm sure most of you who read this already know me, but in case you didn't, I'm Alexis. 

I've been taking photography since my freshman year, and this is my first year in "art" photography (although i've always had an artistic mindset when taking pictures). I really enjoy photography as a hobby, but I don't think I could persue a career in it. The thought of making something beautiful with your own hands is amazing. Just like a painter with a paintbrush, a photographer with a camera is an artist too.
