Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So this weekend I went to ATPI, and I entered the digital editing contest. At first I was freaking out because I kept pressing the sides of the mouse and it would show all the windows and take me out of photoshop. So for an hour I kept doing that and I was about to just yell at the screen, but then everyone would think I was crazy. Eventually, I figured out what I was doing wrong, and I hurried making my image.

 I wasn't as good at photoshop as I thought, so I couldn't do anything very fancy. I put the hammer and chalk outline pictures on top of each other, and tinted them a bit red so they would match a little more. I then blurred the line that separated them, and added a vignette. I then cut out a picture of money and made it larger on my canvas, and multiplied it on top. I really wanted to do a photo word type of thing with the text, but I was running out of time, and I didn't have time to experiment with it. So I typed out a CORNY title and embossed it, and added an outer glow to help it stand out from the picture. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to win anything (especially best of show!), but I was super excited and happy when they called my name. :D


  1. I love your title. It's so creative and well thought out. I wish I thought of something as awesome.

    I'm proud of you Alexis. :D 10/10.

  2. thaaaaaanks chen-ching, but I think AT GUN POINT was waaaay better.

  3. Oh thank you, but I think the title "Dirty Money" is a whole lot better than "At Gun Point." The creativity and thought is better and is definitely not cheesy like mine. I just wish I thought of something like "Dirty Money."

  4. Lol! :] That picture is amazing. I'm not surprised you won't best in show. I sooo doubt anyone else had an even more amazing picture than this one. *highfiveee* ^-^

  5. This picture is REALLY cool Alexis!! I love the body outline in the background :) Also i like how the money is right-side up (if that make sense lol) I like the uniqueness of it :)

  6. Very nice Alexis lol i like it a lot :) I like the body chalk in the background very creative

  7. I have admired your photography since the very first time I saw one of your photos. You got me into photography in the first place (that's right) and I am SO HAPPY to see that you won best in show. You deserve it, Alexis, you're amazingly talented.
